Monday, March 19, 2018

History of Computer in Nepal

History of Computer in Nepal

We saw the history of computers and some major innovation and pioneers in the world context. Let’s look at the history of Computers in Nepal now.
Nepal was using a calculating device called Facit to prepare census report 2018 BS (1961). Though the total population at that time was only 96 lakhs, Census Bureau could not give the exact figure of population in different districts. Due to the delay, the five year planning had to be stopped. So, for better and quicker data processing, IBM 1401 was brought on rent (Rs. 1 lakh 25 thousand per month) for the census of 2028 B.S (1971). The census processing was completed in 1 year 7 months and 15 days for 1 crore 12.5 lakhs population.
IBM 1401 in National Computer Center, Nepal
IBM 1401 however was not sent back to the owner after completing census processing but the government purchased it for further data processing in the Bureau of Statistics.
National Computer Center (NCC) was established in 2031 (1974) with the purpose of giving computer related service to government bodies, developing computer manpower and enhancing computer consciousness. Later on, NCC used ICL-2950/10 a second generation Mainframe computer, a DG Mini-computer, a Prime Mini-computer.
With the help of ICL 2950/10, the census of 2038 BS (1981) was completed in 1 year 3 months. ICL 2950/10 was more effective and was used for data processing in some other corporations such as Telecommunication, Electricity Authority, Janakpur Cigarette factory, Hetauda Cement Factory, Tribhuvan University, etc.
National Computer Center, Kathmandu
In 2039 B.S., the microcomputers, such as Apple, Vector or Sirus were imported on personal level. New companies such as Computer Consultancy(CC), Management Information Processing System(MIPS) and Data System International (DSI) were established. Now, there are many companies which deal with computer training, servicing, maintenance, upgrading, etc.
In 1994, Mercantile Office Systems and Royal Nepal   Academy of Science and Technology contracted an Internet feed from a site in India. Since the transmission was over cable, the quality of the line was very poor and the connection was not reliable. This effort was commercialized although there were significant losses. Mercantile introduced the Internet and email in 1995 for the first time in Nepal.
Government of Nepal introduced the first IT Policy in 2000 with the vision of positioning Nepal on the global IT map within the next five years. The policy has the broad objective of enhancing employment opportunities and creating a knowledge-based society and knowledge-based industries by ensuring that a large section of society has access to information technology. The policy has adopted a 15-point strategic framework that includes human resource development, promotion of foreign and local investments, legal recognition.

Historical development of computers

Historical development of Computer

Abacus – The first known calculating device

Abacus is a simple wooden box with beads strung which are moved towards the mid-bar to perform calculations. You bring the beads near the bar and count to get result. Obtaining result is a manual process. Thus Abacus is essentially a memory aid rather than truly a calculating device. It is generally agreed that Abacus was invented in China around 2500 BC.
An Abacus is divided into two parts – heaven, the upper deck and earth, the lower deck – divided by a mid-bar. On each string there are two beads on heaven and 5 beads on earth. The value of each bead on heaven is 5 and on earth it is 1. So if you pull one heaven bead and 3 earth bead near the mid-bar, it represented the number 8.

Napier’s bones

Abacus is about ancient past. When we look upon the modern history, it is 1614 when John Napier invented Logarithm – a branch of mathematics to multiply and divide extremely large or small numbers. This is considered the principal invention of Napier.
In Computer Science what interests us more about Napier’s invention, in addition to the rule of Logarithm, is Napier’s bones. It is a set of rods (10 rods in a set). Numbers are carved on each rod and can be used to perform multiplication, division with the help of logarithm. These rods were made up of bones, and must be the reason for the name.
Calculation is done by aligning the proper rods against each other and by inspection.

Slide Rule

Slide Rule was invented by William Ought red towards 1620. This device consists of logarithmic scales where one can slide upon other. The sliding rule is aligned properly against other scale and a reading is done through the indicator slide.
Slide rule could be used to perform multiplication and divisions efficiently.

Leibnitz’s Calculator – The Stepped Reckoner

German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz improved Pascal’s adding machine and made Stepped Reckoner that could even find square roots. This is the first digital mechanical calculator that can perform all four basic arithmetic operations – add, subtract, multiply and divide.

Charles Babbage and his engines

Charles Babbage is considered the father of modern computers. It is his ideas – the idea of input, mill (processing), output and storage – the modern computers followed and been successfully miraculous device! Though he could not complete his Analytical Engine (conceived in 1830s) due to insufficient funding and technological advancement of the day, it proved to be a foundation for the birth of computers.
Babbage however completed a working model of his first machine – The Difference Engine and was awarded by Royal Society. Difference engine implemented the mechanical memory to store results. It was based on the difference tables of squares of the number, and thus the name – Difference Engine.
INTERESTING FACT: Babbage conceived of a computer 100 years earlier. Howard Aikin builds the first computer Mark I based on Babbage’s idea in 1944.

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace – The first programmer

Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace was a great supporter of Charles Babbage and she convinced him to use binary systems in his engines. Because she devised a way to program Babbage’s engines, she is considered the first programmer.
Ada is the daughter of Lord Byron, a famous English poet.
US Defense developed a programming language and named it ADA to honor her contribution

Dr. Herman Hollerith & his Tabulating Machines

Herman Hollerith invented a tabulating machine for the census of 1880s. He used punched cards to code the numbers and feed them into the machine. That’s why he is considered to be the man to use punched cards practically for the first time. Though Charles Babbage used punched cards for his analytical engine, it was never built and Hollerith was successful in designing a machine that could accept input through punched cards.
Hollerith founded Tabulating Machine Company to build and sell his products and later on it was merged with some other companies to form International Business Machine (IBM) Company. IBM is the largest computer manufacturing company even today.
INTERESTING FACT: Punched cards were originally invented by Joseph Jacquard, a textile manufacturer. He used them to automate the weaving loom. These cards were later used by Charles Babbage in his design of Analytical Engine and Herman Hollerith practically used them for the first time in his Tabulating Machine.
EXTRA DOZE: Calculating devices such as Abacus, Slide Rule, and Napier’s bones etc. were very simple machines that could add, subtract and repeated operation to perform multiplication and division. Though they appear trivial today, they were great invention of that time.
By mechanical part, it means it works by moving wheels and bars. Electronic components do not have any moving parts to perform calculation and can work with the flow of electricity in its circuitry. Because it does not have moving parts, these devices are very low at failure rate.

Electro Mechanical Computers

In 1944 the first electro-mechanical computer Mark -I was built by Howard Aiken with the help of IBM. Mark I, Mark II, and Zues Computers (Z2, Z3) are the examples of Electro Mechanical Computers. Let’s look at Mark I and Z3 computer here.

Mark I

Mark-I, originally known as IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC), is the first computer of the world. Mark-I is described as the beginning of the era of the modern computer. It was built in Harvard University by Howard H. Aiken.
Mark I was a gigantic computer. It was 51 feet long, 8 feet tall and 2 feet wide which weight 4500 Kg. It could do three additions or subtractions in a second. A multiplication took six seconds, a division took 15.3 seconds, and a logarithm or a trigonometric function took over one minute.
Mark – I
Howard Aiken
First Computer

Z3 Computer

Apart from Mark I and Mark II computers, there are other contemporary computers like Z2 and Z3 (designed by Konrad Zuse) on this category.
The contribution of Zuse was ignored for long due to political reasons. He was a German Engineer and Computer Pioneer. Zuse completed his work entirely independently of other leading computer scientists and mathematicians of his day. Between 1936 and 1945, he was in near-total intellectual isolation.
Improving the basic Z2 machine, Konrad built the Z3 in 1941. It was a binary 22-bit floating point calculator featuring programmability with loops but without conditional jumps, with memory and a calculation unit based on telephone relays.
Zuse’s company (with the Z1, Z2 and Z3) was destroyed in 1945 by an Allied air attack.

Electronic Computers

In 1947 John Mauchly and J. P. Eckert developed the first general purpose electronic computer – ENIAC. This begins a new era in computing history. Apart from ENIAC, ABC, EDVAC and UNIVAC are some early electronic computers. We will be studying these computers in this section.
Calculating devices were fairly simple aid for human head. Electromechanical calculators were moderately complex. There were wheels, drums and bars that rotate and move to produce result. Because they had some mechanical parts, those devices are called electro-mechanical computers.
Electronic computers, on the other hand, work with the flow of electrons in its different components. Because electronic components are more reliable and speedy, electronic computers are very reliable compared to the earlier computers.


ABC, the first elec­tronic digital computer, was invented by John v. Atanasoff and his assistant Clifford Berry and thus the name Atanasoff Berry Com­puter (ABC).
Earlier, ENIAC was considered to be the first electronic com­puter until in 1973 a U.S. District Court invalidated the ENIAC patent. Thus, ABC is the first electronic digital computer. However, because ABC is a special purpose computer and not programmable, ENIAC still is the first general purpose electronic computer.
It is the ABC that first implements the three critical features of modern computers:
  • Using binary digits to represent all numbers and data
  • Performing all calculations using electronics rather than wheels, ratchets, or mechanical switches
  • Organizing a system in which computation and memory are separated.
John v. Atanasoff & Clifford Berry
          First Electronic Digital Computer


ENIAC stands for Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator. It was developed in 1946 by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert.
ENIAC is the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. It used to be considered the first electronic computer till 1973 when a U.S. District Court invali­dated the ENIAC patent and concluded that the ENIAC inventors had derived the subject matter of the electronic digital computer from Atanasoff. Anyway, it is still the first general purpose electronic computer.
ENIAC used decimal numbering system for its operation and contained 17,468 vacuum tubes, along with 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, 1,500 relays, 6,000 manual switches and 5 million soldered joints. It covered 1800 square feet (167 square meters) of floor space, weighed 30 tons, and consumed 160 kilowatts of electrical power.

   J.P. Eckert & John Mauchly
  First General Purpose Electronic Digital Computer

EDVAC – Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic computer

Well that’s it – the name itself includes the word ‘automatic’ like ENIAC used the word ‘electronic’. ENIAC must be excited as it was not depending upon mechanical components, so, called it ELECTRONIC!

J.P. Eckert & Jo  Mauchly
Stored Program  Computer

UNIVAC – Universal Automatic Computer

After the successful development of ENIAC and EDVAC, John Mauchly& J.P. Eckert founded their own company in 1946 and began to work on the Universal Automatic computer.
UNIVAC was the first general purpose commercial computer.

J.P. Eckert & John Mauchly
The first general purpose commercial computer

Monday, March 5, 2018

Application areas of computer

Application areas of computer:


A computer has high speed of calculation, diligence, accuracy, reliability, or versatility which has made it an integrated part in all business organizations.
Computer is used in business organizations for −
  • Payroll calculations
  • Budgeting
  • Sales analysis
  • Financial forecasting
  • Managing employee database
  • Maintenance of stocks, etc.


Today, banking is almost totally dependent on computers.
Banks provide the following facilities −
·        Online accounting facility, which includes checking current balance, making deposits and overdrafts, checking interest charges, shares, and trustee records.
·        ATM machines which are completely automated are making it even easier for customers to deal with banks.


Insurance companies are keeping all records up-to-date with the help of computers. Insurance companies, finance houses, and stock broking firms are widely using computers for their concerns.
Insurance companies are maintaining a database of all clients with information showing −
  • Procedure to continue with policies
  • Starting date of the policies
  • Next due installment of a policy
  • Maturity date
  • Interests due
  • Survival benefits
  • Bonus


The computer helps in providing a lot of facilities in the education system.
·        The computer provides a tool in the education system known as CBE (Computer Based Education).
·        CBE involves control, delivery, and evaluation of learning.
·        Computer education is rapidly increasing the graph of number of computer students.
·        There are a number of methods in which educational institutions can use a computer to educate the students.
·        It is used to prepare a database about performance of a student and analysis is carried out on this basis.


In marketing, uses of the computer are following −

·        Advertising − With computers, advertising professionals create art and graphics, write and revise copy, and print and disseminate ads with the goal of selling more products.
·        Home Shopping − Home shopping has been made possible through the use of computerized catalogues that provide access to product information and permit direct entry of orders to be filled by the customers.


Computers have become an important part in hospitals, labs, and dispensaries. They are being used in hospitals to keep the record of patients and medicines. It is also used in scanning and diagnosing different diseases. ECG, EEG, ultrasounds and CT scans, etc. are also done by computerized machines.
Following are some major fields of health care in which computers are used.
      Diagnostic System − Computers are used to collect data and identify the cause of illness.
·        Lab-diagnostic System − All tests can be done and the reports are prepared by computer.
·        Patient Monitoring System − these are used to check the patient's signs for abnormality such as in Cardiac Arrest, ECG, etc.
·        Pharma Information System − Computer is used to check drug labels, expiry dates, harmful side effects, etc.
·        Surgery − Nowadays, computers are also used in performing surgery.

Engineering Design

Computers are widely used for engineering purpose.
One of the major areas is CAD (Computer Aided Design) that provides creation and modification of images. Some of the fields are −

·        Structural Engineering − requires stress and strain analysis for design of ships, buildings, budgets, airplanes, etc.
·        Industrial Engineering − Computers deal with design, implementation, and improvement of integrated systems of people, materials, and equipment.
·        Architectural Engineering − Computers help in planning towns, designing buildings, determining a range of buildings on a site using both 2D and 3D drawings.


Computers are largely used in defense. Modern tanks, missiles, weapons, etc. Military also employs computerized control systems. Some military areas where a computer has been used are −
  • Missile Control
  • Military Communication
  • Military Operation and Planning
  • Smart Weapons


Communication is a way to convey a message, an idea, a picture, or speech that is received and understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is meant. Some main areas in this category are −

  • E-mail
  • Chatting
  • Usenet
  • FTP
  • Telnet
  • Video-conferencing


Computers play an important role in government services. Some major fields in this category are −

  • Budgets
  • Sales tax department
  • Income tax department
  • Computation of male/female ratio
  • Computerization of voters lists
  • Computerization of PAN card
  • Weather forecasting

History of Computer in Nepal

History of Computer in Nepal We saw the history of computers and some major innovation and pioneers in the world context. Let’s look...